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ARC Professional Year Student Feedback







非常感谢ARC的会计实战培训课程,让我顺利地找到现在的工作。 在一家教育机构做Accounts Clerk/Bookkeeper.

大约4年前,我还是一名ARC PY课程的学生,那时候我也有上ARC的培训课程,受益匪浅。我们的Sanjay 老师讲的非常棒,当之无愧的明星讲师!上课内容充实而细致,实操性很强。老师在讲解知识点的时候,会运用实际的会计案例,让我们深入的明白会计记账背后的原理。

就在今年我工作的合同结束后,决定回国休整5周。9月份返澳后,开始了一个多月的找工经历。我也接到一些面试的机会,但最终收到的都是拒绝信…在我非常迷茫的这段时间, 想起几年前曾经在ARC的培训,于是鼓起勇气给ARC打了电话,说明我现在的情况。Manager John和Sanjay老师非常热情的接待了我,他们花了很多时间跟我详谈,帮我分析我的现状,给我了很大的鼓励和自信。让我觉得自己好像是回娘家了一样,所有办公室的员工都非常的热情。

于是我报了ARC的会计实战培训,想重温一下会计相关的知识。培训第一周讲的就是MYOB会计记账,而我在课程第三周接到的面试就是和这方面紧密相关的。整个面试的过程非常顺利,因为认真听过Sanjay老师的讲课,面试时底气十足,也非常的自信。同一周内我就收到了录取的通知函。当时心情除了高兴,就是感激。还没有结束第4周的培训,我就找到了心仪的工作,真的是非常感谢ARC的培训课程、感谢Sanjay 老师、Danny老师 和Amy 老师,还有Ping、Izzie 等所有给与我指导的ARC可爱的老师们;还要感激Manager John、感谢一切给与我帮助的ARC同事们。


--Teresa Teng



“Just like to share a piece of great news with you – I have found a job! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all -the staff at ARC for your professional and productive training. The working procedure, preparation of working papers, question lists, filing, client confidential issues, up-to-date tax news and so on. All I have learned in ARC, made the key to my success in job hunting. I could never learn those things from only books and lectures.

The whole team is very helpful and experienced. I would say the training and direction from ARC has brought a lot of valuable points to sharpen my practical accounting skills, broaden the mindset, share ideas and values, build confidence and help me make a focus on job search.

Also very good practical advice especially regarding interview techniques, resume preparation and job search assistance. The session is very professional and personalized. My first job interview was scaring and a failure, but after further consultation with ARC, I began to drive the interview and to be confident and active. Thanks to your useful training and sound advice, I am very fortunate that my job search has been smooth-sailing. I will certainly make full use of all the skills and knowledge this program has provided me in my career path. Thank you very much. ”




“Before joining the ARC In-House Training Program, I had similar problems as the other graduates who were also faced with big challenges – what we learned theoretically can’t be applied practically in a real life working environment.

The ARC Training Program totally changed my perspective point of view. In the training, Anatole with years of bookkeeping experiences explained how to become a good Bookkeeper; he covered the wide range of topics such as how to process transactions, document analyzing, GST issues, processing of payroll etc.

Kathy, the Principal of ARC, with over ten years of experiences in tax and business consulting, delivered her expert knowledge and experience by guiding us through a large number of real life case studies. Thanks to her comprehensive teaching/supervisory suppoort, I am now able to prepare income tax returns, BAS statements and financial reports independently upon graduation. The amount of practical skills and experiences I have gained through the in-house training is just amazing. They have definitely earned me competitive advantage over other fresh graduates and greatly improved my employability. The intensive training covered broad areas of issues which allow me to obtain the practical skills faster in the shortest period of time. I was successfully offered a position in a tax accounting firm. The manager was so impressed by my excellent understanding of BAS and financial report preparation. Being proud of getting a job because of the real hands on practical experience, I attribute my success to ARC’s devotion and dedication.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the supervisors of ARC. I believe ARC will grow to become the leading accounting training organisation with the combined effort of its staff members. Iwish all success to ARC’s future development! ”




“Initially, the ARC training provided us with a general idea on how jobs are processed in an accounting firm and what is required for a professional accountant; and gaining the knowledge of how to use software.

Further on the practical internship/training provided us with a real experience of working in an accounting firm. By consistent supervising by CA/CPAs, we are trained in how to handle problems while we are doing new cases. What is the first step and what is the second step etc. Most importantly, for example, we learned how to raise questions in a professional manner when we could not find answers. As a tax accountant, this is an essential skillsyou need. During the job interview, I was asked to prepare the question list for the provided case!

With more training/internship, I gained the ability to handle cases independently and became more familiar with work requirements. I also had a good chance to be trained on how to process Self Managed Super Fund accounts and tax returns by using BGL Simple Fund.

ARC training is brilliant and I highly recommend it to accounting graduates.”




I found the experience at ARC, a great help. I believe that ARC training programs increased my chances of receiving a response from my job applications. Most recruitment agents and employers are very interested in what I have done at ARC and what I learned from there. Thanks to the friendly staff at ARC who helped me during my program”

--Leo Lu


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